Moving into a college dorm room is much like moving into a cabin at ISTC. You enter a cozy space with a bunch of brand new faces, ready to tackle all of the excitement to come. In college, you are responsible for your social interactions, expected to work in groups, and most notably, now live away from your parents. These things are nothingnew to you since you have actually done all of it before at camp.
At ISTC, we don’t lecture like college professors or have reading seminars focused on developing confidence, creativity, and organization. All of our campers unlock these qualities through first-hand experience. By living without cell phones during their week at camp, campers prioritize interpersonal communication skills. Playing and competing in games reinforces the concepts of cooperation, respect, and dedication to a cause. Getting involved in recreation time or simply choosing what to eat in the dining hall are small steps toward making sensible decisions. Creating bonds with people in the cabin and sports group drives home the idea of genuine friendship. All of the things that become second nature at ISTC prove to be truly important qualities moving into college.
Learning life skills happens at ISTC because of the environment that we create. It gives our campers the opportunity to assume responsibility and feel comfortable doing so. As our campers have go from camp to campus, we are proud to know we helped influence who they are and what they will become.
For another testimonial on how camp prepares kids for college, feel free to read the article from the September 2017 American Camp Magazine.