At the core of everything we do, ISTC strives to build life skills through sports. Most campers leave with a greater appreciation for teamwork and communication, but the one thing that is universal for everyone is an increase in self-confidence.
Everyone does their best when they feel their best, and our All-Sports and IXTC programs are built around this notion. By putting an emphasis on building our campers’ confidence through sports, we positively influence their experiences at camp and beyond.
We’ve structured our programs to focus on a variety of sports throughout the week to keep things fresh for campers, but more so, build their willingness to step outside of their comfort zones and try new things. We organize our cabins so that our campers meet and live with new people, with the end goal of strengthening their abilities to advocate for themselves and trust others. Everything from our sports sessions to our recreation events is intentional, ultimately focused on helping campers unlock a new sense of confidence in a risk-free environment.
ISTC builds self-confidence, but further, confidence in others. For many, camp is the first time living away from home and putting faith in anyone aside from parents. Our coaches, counselors, and leadership are the support system for campers during their experience. The constant cheering, high fives, and time taken to connect with campers creates an upbeat atmosphere at ISTC like no other and reinforces the idea that there are others who truly care about their wellbeing and success.
The newfound confidence carries over to school, sports, and other areas away from camp. ISTC counselors and cabin mates resemble their teachers and peers around them, making it easier to build relationships. Because campers have overcome obstacles at camp like the rock wall and learning to ride a bike, finding the courage to participate in class or tryout for the school play becomes a bit less intimidating.
We love to provide campers with the opportunity to have fun and make friends, but most all, we pride ourselves on the ability to positively impact our campers’ confidence.