
Camp Directors

ISTC isn’t just a summer camp, it’s a way of thinking. Our campers leave us at the end of their stay as fun-loving, active, free-spirited, adventurous leaders-in-training with a conscience. And this doesn’t happen by coincidence…it happens because of the firmly-rooted values cherished by ISTC director Kara Klaus.

Kara firmly believes in being a part of the ISTC experience and is constantly involved in all camp activities. Kara has been surrounded by sports and camps for the majority of her life and has a great passion and enthusiasm for the camp experience. Kara majored in public relations with a minor in sports science while competing as a Division I scholarship gymnast at the University of Maryland.

Camp Founder

Bruno Klaus, the owner and founder of the world-famous International Gymnastics Camp, opened up ISTC in 1991 after so many of his gymnastic camp families kept asking him to open a sports camp for their kids that did not do gymnastics. Bruno listened, and established a premier sports camp adjacent to the gymnastics camp property. More than 25 years later, gymnastics camp siblings are still counted amongst our ISTC campers!